Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I just googled Maria Toso to find some pictures of myself for a brochure about some upcoming workshops in Denmark, when I stumbled upon this very blog. Written and completely forgotten by me. The most ironic thing is, I just talked to someone about adding a blog to my website but thinking, "oh I don't really know how to set up a blog", well, turns out I did know how to set up a blog in the the middle of the night upon waking up from some bad dream over two years ago.

So, here I am, sitting on my balcony of the beautiful duplex, I would have been so delighted to know I'd end up in that haunted night in April 2010. Still don't have it all together but at least, I am moving in that direction...not just with determination but with some heartfelt enthusiasm -- and that enthusiasm has  been long in the coming. 

In fact, in a recent coaching workshop, I had to come up with my own personal antidote to my tendency to 'check out' and distract myself from the obvious tasks. The antidote that came to me was enthusiasm and you know what's funny about that? Even just naming a quality that is lacking and needed somehow brings it about. Which brings to mind another coaching tip that I was given, write down the numbers. I.e. if you have a number you want to reach, say as a monthly income stream. Write down the budget that would make that happen. In fact, write down three different ways in which that could happen. Sure it'll be a bit of a stretch and you'll need to throw some juicy dreaming in there alongside the facts and figures but how's supposed to work. I am going to try I will keep you posted or shall we say blogged. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha never know what creative happenings will occur when one is middle-of-the-night-balcony-sitting :)
