Thursday, June 21, 2012

Good morning World, how beautiful can you be! I'm on the second floor and all I see out every window is trees bathed in sunlight.

What a difference half a night can make. I was awoken at 2AM by my little guy who crept in next to me as I was sleeping out on the balcony to stay cool, "I'm so cold, mama, I'm so cold," he said as he snuggled in close. But his little body was burning hot and I stumbled out to the bathroom to find that darn, elusive thermometer that's never where it should be. Not in this bin, not in that.

Half asleep I called out, "runners help me find the thermometer!" (my runners are my little invisible friends who help me find stuff I can't find, they are really good at it too). I looked up at the bin I'd already put back on the topshelf and lo and behold there was the thermometer sticking out.

Sure enough, 102.6F and climbing. The fearful shadows of the night settled on me as I imagined the worst. He's not vaccinated what if he contracted something terrible that I could have prevented if I'd just  done what the MDs told me to do. I started praying, every memorized prayer in my repertoire. Then we both slept. He's still running a high fever, little sweetheart but he had a smoothie with out getting sick so that's good.

He won't be going to Colorado with his dad tomorrow as planned and he's upset. Knowing him, he thinks it's all his fault, in his little mind he's going, "I'm so stupid, I'm so dumb". Kids take it all on don't they? Especially this one. He's so quick to internalize anything less than great that goes on around him. My response is to shield and shelter but that's probably not have you develop a strong man. Oh, the woes of a being a single mom raising a boy.

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