Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Time and how I need to manage it...

Ok, here's the thing. I am trying to do (Yoda says there is no try only do!) my time assignment. Yes, I am doing this coaching program and I think my coach rather quickly realized where my problems lie...time management. ACH! Even the phrase 'time management' conjures up images of uber sharp yuppies in the 80's with their fat, leather-bound time managers and their effective lives managed down to the last minute, exercise at 7, eat at 8, drive at 8:30, work at 9, snack at 11, meeting at noon, lunch at 1, snack and blah, blah, blah...I can't take it...my inner brat is screaming in self-defense. Don't make me look at my time managing skills. Because they are so lacking, I am going to feel so incompetent and I don't want to feel incompetent...!

I have a friend whose step-mom is a writer, a famous and prolific writer. Apparently she gets up every morning and writes for a set amount of hours and no one and nothing can interfere with that time. That's how she gets her work done. She could have been a brilliant writer and artist but with out the discipline to schedule her time and actually WRITE, she would not have published many, many highly acclaimed books. I know it, I know, I know it.

So here's the assignment. I have to plan, not just my day, but my whole fucking week! It can't be a to do list - which would already be a grand step in the right direction, no, no it has to be down to the event and the hour for everything, like eating, sleeping, checking email (WHAT!? You mean I can't frantically check my email whenever I am frustrated or bored, which is often), and more, showering, getting dressed, pet care, cooking, spiritual practice (I want that all day long whenever I want it), making contacts, checking in with so and so..., snacking, chores, delighting in my children. You get the picture. It's all of it and I am dying here.

I don't want to do this assignment. But I paid good money for this coach to fix my life. And she took her little flash light and pointed it straight where it hurts, right past all the 'good stuff about me' and shone this nasty little light right into my under-developed sense of, GRRRRR, time management. OK, I can say it nicely: Time Management. Smiling. With my teeth (gritting them) -- Ok, no gritting. Just developing healthy, enthusiasm for my assignment that should have been completed two weeks ago.

Anyway, there is not time like the present (ya, ya pun intended, I may not be a time manager wiz but at least I can write sorta funny). So, as soon as I get done complaining to the blog world about this task. Then I will, I really, really will. Go make a warm cup of tea and then, I will, I really, really will eat a roll with butter and then, I will, I really, really, really will sit down and write a schedule of the things I intend to accomplish today, and when I have finished the one for today, I will complete one for the whole week. I am not going to enjoy this. It's not how I want to live my life. But it is how I want to live a portion of my life. I do want the ability to plan and be focused and I know that this assignment will help me do it.

Uh, and did you notice how I didn't even have TIME to complain about my love life or loss of same.


  1. I appologize the funny wording in Danish. But this is how we talk Maria and I. Kæreste Mariiii, Tak for dine ærlige, kærlige og sjove indlæg på din blog. Jeg kan godt huske, at du startede denne blog. Hvor er det bare skønt at se, hvordan du frådigt kaster dig over den. Undskyld, at du først hører fra mig nu. To årsager: Jeg har det samme Time Management problem som dig. Når jeg er ledig, går jeg i alle retninger og rundt om mig selv og rodet vokser og vokser rundt om mig og indeni mig. Dernæst, har jeg været lagt ned af en dum, dum blærebetændelse. Frygtelig ting. Men jeg elsker din pen, og jeg læser alle dine indlæg. Dog kan det indimellem være lidt svært at følge med i dit kærlighedsliv. Det glæder jeg mig til at høre meget mere om, når vi ses snart. Jeg glæder mig helt vildt til at se dig igen. Jeg skal SÅ meget være med på dit yoga og meditationshold.

  2. Har lige opdaget din kommentar. Taenk jeg synes altid at du var saa planlaegnings-agtig da vi boede sammen og fik dine ting gjort.
    Ja, det hjaelper meget at skrive og det er godt for mig at bare skrive i 10-15 minutter, poste det og gaa videre...ikke sidde og taenke over det eller rette i det. Bare stole paa at lige det hurtige man har at sige er godt nok, og der nok altid er nogen derude af ens venner, der kan relatere til det man siger og ellers kan de lige sende en noget positiv energi.
    Husk at spise tranebaerkapsler fra Matas hvis du har blaere betaendelse, det hjaelper virkelig!
    Glaeder mig ogsaa til at se dig!
    Knus fra din
